Friday, June 10, 2005

Crows: "nasty, sinister things"

Joggers are today being warned about violent crows in London parks after an attack left a man bloodied and needing hospital treatment. Mr Keay today told how he was running his usual route through Battersea Park when the birds swooped on him. The crows clawed his head with their talons and pecked at him furiously.

Although it is extremely unusual for crows to attack humans, joggers are now being warned to be extra vigilant.

"I thought they were very nasty, sinister things."she said. "Two of them focused in on me as I walked past. I couldn't help thinking of that Hitchcock film."

Mr Keay, a father of two young children, added: "What really worries me is that it could happen again - and it could be a lot worse if the crows attacked children. They could literally have their eyes out.", 10 June 2005

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